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Aviation Maintenance Magazine has been a trusted, highly referenced & revered GLOBAL publication covering MRO, Upgrades and refurbishment on commercial, Business/GA and military aircraft GLOBALLY. |
The last figures so far indicate that during the past 10 years the average growth rate of our civil aviation fleets is very fast, Hub airlines, low-cost airlines, regional airlines, general aviation airlines have all entered a comprehensively prosperous and booming period.The fast growth of Chinese airlines' fleets has driven the booming development of aviation maintenance industry whose comprehensively prosperous multiple business patterns also make the demands of aviation maintenance increasingly diversified and personalized. 过去十年我们民航机队规模的增长速度非常惊人,中国民航市场的发展进入全面繁荣和蓬勃发展的时期。机队规模的快速增长带动航空维修产业蓬勃发展,多种业态模式的全面繁荣更使得航空维修的需求日趋多样化、个性化。 |
航佳技术成立于2014年,由国内优秀的飞机维修专业人士和垂直互联网专家们共同构建的航空维修行业专业平台。 航佳技术集中了大量飞机维修专业人士,应用互联网技术,开发针对所有用户的免费飞机维修专家系统基础平台、以及针对客户定制的飞机维修专家系统专业平台,实现快速性、灵活性、权威性、针对性和准确性的专业解决方案,最大限度的为用户提供专快速、专业、安全、超值服务。 航佳技术自成立以来,发展速度喜人,在移动互联网终端获得了超高人气。在线下,航佳技术开设多期维修实战类培训课程,深受学员好评;开发了飞机退租、飞机BFE选型、飞机合同与航材索赔、工程管理等系列咨询项目;在全国各大机场建立了技术工作站,具备了强大的推广能力与平台辐射力。 我们的文化:专业、专注、创新 我们的目标:致力打造中国最专业的机务技能平台、最权威的机务培训平台、最快捷的机务咨询平台、最广泛的专家交流平台。 我们的愿景:集聚专业技术和智慧、专注飞机维修和改装,为飞行安全保驾护航,共圆中国民航强国梦! 我们的公众号:航佳技术(AERO-EXPERT) |
通航在线网是在中国通用航空蓬勃发展的大背景下,由上海翼趣航空咨询有限公司倾力打造的通用航空门户网站,集合了最新的航空资讯、机型数据、厂商和运营商数据、行业统计、媒体信息等,是专注于通用航空支持服务的整合平台,致力于为通用航空行业的企业打造一个扩大行业影响力、推广业务、寻求报道等服务的平台。 通航在线网以不断完善的数据库为通用航空提供运营支持服务,并通过「通航在线」及合作媒体,建立你的品牌影响力;让潜在客户了解你的产品及服务,获得业务成交机会。 |
WingSearch,created by Shanghai Easewing Aviation Consulting Co. Ltd., is a professional aviation website for aviation industrial enterprises, organizations and individuals to provide aviation news, information, data and searching service. WingSearch has become a rather influential and authoritative Chinese aviation navigation website, which is also the only GA navigation website in China. WingSearch has more than 20 kinds of index classification that aviation enthusiasts and other people are able to find those websites needed very quickly and conveniently, in stead of memorizing too many websites. Otherwise, WingSearch also provides key information recommendation, practical tools, all kinds of aviation data query and other Internet services. 翼搜网是在中国通用航空蓬勃发展的大背景下,由上海翼趣航空咨询有限公司倾力打造的,为航空领域的企业、组织和个人提供资讯、信息、数据与搜索服务的专业航空导航网站。 |
Airfinance Journal is a market leading financial publication of the global aircraft and aviation business. Published continually since 1979, it has been at the forefront of supporting and informing aviation professionals ever since. Airfinance Journal includes the latest news, analysis and data relating to the financing of airlines, aircraft leasing companies and manufacturers. Airfinance Journal Deals provides a detailed insight into the aircraft deals market covering both the loan and capital markets, public and private. The Deals Database contains 10 years’ worth of aircraft financing transactions, the latest RFPs in need of financing and market status reports. Airfinance Journal The Airline Analyst is a powerful online financial data and analysis service from the publishers of Airfinance Journal. Gathering airline financial data, adjusting it and converting it into a usable format is both time consuming and laborious. Airfinance Journal Fleets is the new premium system to monitor aircraft fleets, analyse trends and discover new opportunities. With 40 years of archival aircraft data and over 300,000 event transactions, Airfinance Fleet Analyst is the affordable and user-friendly premium fleet data alternative. For more information and to view the product portfolio visit |
北京云帆航信科技有限公司(简称“云帆航信”),公司总部设在北京,致力于以信息技术推动中国航空业的发展及成本降低。为企业提供企业管理信息平台、帮助企业整合资源降低成本、以及提供行业信息平台服务。 我们通过自主研发技术核心平台,为航空公司、飞机制造、民航机场、航空院校等企业提供信息技术服务,可根据客户实际业务需求快速定制管理软件,可实现数据管理、流程管理、商务智能,从而提高工作效率、降低运营成本,同时提升企业竞争力。 |
通航世界(是中国第一通航互动媒体,专注于传递飞行知识,交流通航文化,出版有《环球之翼》、《Aopa Pilot》等众多通航媒体资源。通航世界打造中国私人飞机消费者和爱好者值得信赖的沟通分享平台。 |
RFID世界网(是国内最大的面向RFID行业的综合行业门户网站。RFID世界网专注于电子标签与智能卡及相关领域的行业资讯收集、市场研究、企业推广、客户咨询等服务,努力促进RFID行业的社会推广、信息共享、行业链的交流与合作。RFID世界网愿与业内企业及社会机构一起致力于实现物联网的伟大预言。 |
Beijing Sun Valley Consulting Co., Ltd. is a Chinese leading consulting company focus on advanced manufacturing industry technical information researches, such as Aerospace、Intelligent Manufacturing、Marine and oil & gas industry etc. The company has two professional website platform ——"Development Research Center of the Frontier Equipment”and “the Frontier Equipment Network”, which were established on the basis of country’s strategic development planning of advanced manufacturing. The company can provide industry research, market analysis, science and technology research and other services. |
The website of is one of the largest domestic comprehensive aviation portals with the most page views. According to the statistics from, its visits exceeds most professional comprehensive aviation and official websites at home and abroad, and ranks top in the has a talented consultant team related to civil aviation, airlines, aeromodelling, aviation fans as well as other aspects. We have been maintained good relations with most domestic personal sites and some commercial/ official sites. |
航趣私人飞机网(以下简称:航趣飞机网)成立于2010年12月,是中国通用航空业最大的网上垂直门户。我们关注中国通用航空市场发展,致力成为通航企业和用户之间的桥梁。我们提供通航产业新闻,通航人才招聘信息,飞机导购,还为下游企业搭建平台,提供飞机交易,包机租机,飞行体验旅游等综合服务,我们正在努力打造中国最好的通用航空综合服务平台。 我们热诚邀请业内同行一起分享资源,合作双赢,共铸通航网络平台。 航趣飞机网将以“立足通航、宣传通航、服务通航”为己任,以打造“中国通用航空第一站”为目标。我们热诚欢迎有志之士和我们聚集在一起,让这里成为通用航空的网上大本营。 |
空翱网-在天空中自由翱翔, ,以莱芜国际航空体育节为契机,宣传航空体育运动,为航空体育运动以及航空事业添砖加瓦,空翱网开设了多个栏目方便广大的航友了解最新的航空动态,我们还开设了微博来和网友进一步的互动,我们的微博 我们是一家公益组织,未来的日子里愿与您携手一起在互联网天空自由翱翔。 |
中国通航网 提供通用航空行业新闻信息、通航财经、公务机直升机私人飞机通用飞机、通用航空公司信息、通用航空作业、通用航空产业发展等新闻资讯。 |
【飞商网】www.aircraftnurse.com是全球最大的航空产业链B2B2C在线交易服务平台,2012年创建于深圳,致力于以创新的互联网思维及运营模式,整合全球航空资源,打造航空产业链互联互通、资源共享、开放共赢的服务性行业资源顾问平台。 |
武汉金岩科技有限公司旗下中国检测网(是中国无损检测行业目前影响力最大的行业门户类网站,网站于2011年依托中国科学院及无损检测学会建立,聘请行业泰斗赵竹占等一批国内外著名专家作为长期嘉宾,致力于为仪器厂家、检测单位和检测从业者提供最权威的仪器展示平台、交流学习平台和信息服务平台。 |
AADdesk飞机部件买卖与维修能力查询桌面系统( Aviation Aerospace And Defense Desk) 是目前最好的航空器材买卖的使用平台,注册用户能快速查询到最终的购买货源,提高效率,减少流通环节,直接降低采购成本; 同时, 飞机用户或维修公司能查询到飞机部件的维修公司,识别FAA,EASA,CAAC 或者是否为OEM 授权维修,简单而快捷。AADdesk 终生免费给飞机用户航材采购部门和设备采购部门使用,目前本系统有4000多家用户以及3000多万数据可供查询使用。 |
Asia Outlook bio |
百分百物流网(汇集众多物流商企业,运价、货盘、货物追踪、单证操作、船期查询等系统一网打尽。着力打造物流界国际知名电子商务网站,成为中国货主和全球物流商的最佳选择。 |
AviTrader has become the leading electronic source for up-to-date commercial aviation news. Since launching in 2005, AviTrader Publications has expanded to produce daily, weekly and monthly products providing our readership with breaking news, global perspective and exclusive insight into the topics that most concern the worldwide aviation community. |
QC testing instruments Professional and strong, for inspection, measuring, laboratory, technology and professional personage provides the high quality service, QC testing instrument nets informative products and businesses with supply and demand information, trade directory, magazine, exhibition information, information technology and inspection agencies, learn association, instrument measuring, nondestructive testing, physical mechanics, diagnostic testing equipment, chemical analysis, material experiment channel. |
两机动力控制GTC2006致力于提供航空发动机和燃气轮机相关资讯,精选两机动力第一手资讯和行业动态,剖析两机动力设计和试验技术,分享业内有价值的工程应用案例,并定期举办线下的交流。 |
中国测控网www.ck365.cn是涉及测试测量、检测诊断、传感物联、遥测遥控、自动控制技术等领域的大型B2B行业门户网站。成立以来,中国测控网与“测&控”行业一起成长,已真正成为广大测控及仪器仪表生产厂商、系统集成商、代理/分销商、行业终端用户、科研院所和高校交流互动平台,获得业内广泛认可。多年来,中国测控网凭借强大的资源优势,纯商业化的运作模式,连续荣获“中国电子商务行业网站100强”殊荣,现已发展成为“测&控”领域最具影响力的门户网站。 |