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Title: China Airline Retail & Ancillary Revenue Summit (CARARs) 2015 |中国航空零售及增值收入高峰会议  •  Size: 4282  •  Last Modified: Sun, 24 May 2015 09:54:27 GMT


Why do you need to sponsor

A significant way to demonstrate your company's commitment to the aviation industry is by becoming a sponsor of this event. By doing so, you will be expressing your company's dedication to promoting excellence through education. Unlike the visitors at trade shows and exhibitions, conference delegates are qualified decision makers with proven budget control. You’ll be meeting and doing business with select groups who have chosen to invest their money and, more importantly, their time to address the specific challenges in the agenda. They want to buy.

We’re guaranteeing that you’ll be making contacts with decision makers and influencers responsible for purchasing decisions. Our delegates are people who have come looking for solutions, and sponsoring puts you on a platform to demonstrate your expertise and win their business.

Numerous categories and levels of sponsorships are available this year. Aside from the traditional sponsorships of conference events, there are also opportunities to get your company's logo on badges and to sponsor the conference Web site. Co-Sponsorships are also available for all categories.

If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities or have additional questions,
please contact Queena WANG at or Apple Dong at