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机载公众通信联盟(以下简称“联盟”) 于2016年7月28日在北京成立。该联盟为相关企事业单位自愿联合成立,以推动在民用航空器环境中开展公众通信业务为目的的非营利性技术组织。联盟会员大会是联盟的最高权力机构,下设理事会作为会员大会执行机构,设立秘书处作为常设办事机构。为开展研究工作,联盟设立四个相关专委会——政策专委会(SC1)、技术专委会(SC2)、运营专委会(SC3)、应用专委会(SC4)。联盟自成立以来,已吸收会员单位共计44家,涵盖航空公司、电信运营商、高校、科研机构、设备制造商、系统运营商、内容提供商等各个领域。截至2017年1月底,联盟已召开各类研讨会5次,完成联盟内部数项科研立项,并向中国民用航空局输出“《中华人民共和国民用航空法(征求意见稿)》修订建议”一份,联盟影响力逐步扩大。


Airline Software s.r.o. ( is the biggest airline software and IT products database with more than 160 vendors and 570 products. It is the best intersection of airlines and software vendors, helping airlines to find desired solutions and helping vendors to reach more customers with minimal effort.
Airline Software website represents a new way of airline software marketing. The vision is to make all vendors and their products reachable for airlines. Main advantages are:
- Products presented by Basic/Standard/Premium listing
- Hundreds of features describing products in details
- Advanced search and filtering
- Request for information (RFI) from airlines
- Request for proposal (RFP) from vendors
- Banner advertisements
- Software and IT news
- Industry events
Provided services
- Tailored list of vendors
- RFI preparation and dissemination
- Consulting for airlines (product selection, project management, etc.)
- Consulting for vendors (product development, market analysis)

MRO Business Today is a premier industry fortnightly digital e-News Magazine that is distributed to more than 8,000 high profile MRO professionals worldwide.  Additionally, it also generates worldwide readership through its website ( Our digital magazine finds it way directly to their mail boxes every fortnight with all the relevant and latest news from the MRO Industry. The objective of MRO Business Today is to be a bridge between the airline companies on one hand and the various sections of the MRO industry so that there is dissemination of valuable information between them thereby helping the growth of the MRO industry.

中国航空新闻网(Can News)是中国航空报社(CAN Press)旗下中英文双语的航空行业第一新闻门户网站,主要内容包括:航空制造业、民航运输、军事防务、MRO、通用航空、时尚飞行、航空院校、财富、人物、生活、航空图集、网络视频、策划专题及会展活动等等。

AeroTime is an international aviation news media with a global audience of 200,000 aviation professionals following industry trends via its website, e-newsletters and social media. 

Aviation Voice echoes with up-to-date news gathered from the whole world of aviation. Convenient web navigation provides readers an easy access to all the categories divided according to the subject as well as the region. No matter if you are a professional or an enthusiast, the news delivered are oriented towards everyone. Consequently, steadily growing audience proves that our team is on a right track.
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